Liquid jet solids ejector

Bulk material conveyor technique (bulk handling) with Körting ejectors

Körting liquid jet solids ejectors are available as a stationary or a mobile version
Körting liquid jet solids ejectors are available as a stationary or a mobile version

A liquid motive medium is used to convey solids. The solids are either introduced via a funnel or they can also be sucked in. A carrier medium e.g. water or air is mixed in to improve the delivery effect.


Water treatment and water works

  • conveying filter materials such as activated carbon, gravel, exchange resins
  • conveying lignite dust in activated sludge

Swimming pool / pool construction and building

  • as an elevator (water jet ejector) for conveying of solid filter material


  • pumping water/solids mixtures out of the deep.
  • laying of marine cables.
  • conveying ash/air mixtures from incineration systems on passenger ships.
Flow chart of a mobile liquid jet solids ejector
Flow chart of a mobile liquid jet solids ejector
Working principle of a Körting Liquid jet solids ejector when filling filters with solids, swimmingpool, waterworks
Working principle of a Körting Liquid jet solids ejector when filling filters with solids

Special solutions for larger delivery volume

For larger quantities and grain sizes of more than 8 mm, special solutions can be used. Depending on the area of application, liquid jet solid ejectors are designed as welding or welding/casting construction for optimally individual applications.

Liquid jet solids ejectors designed as welding/casting or welding construction
Liquid jet solids ejectors designed as welding/casting or welding construction

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