Industrial burners: Broad spectrum of fuels at the Körting Group
„Oil and gas are becoming more expensive every day. The clear demand forsurrogate fuels also requires expansion to a broader fuel spectrum“, explained Dr. Benedikt Roberg, Development Manager for Firing Technology at Körting Hannover AG and Director of Hans Hennig GmbH. In so far, the construction of an own large-scale testing facility was a logical step. Since 2010, successful fuel trials of all types have been carried out here for the Körting Group. „The particular feature of this plant is the high degree of flexibility with which we can answer very customer-specific questions by means of the direct application of industrial scale burner technology. As a company belonging to the Körting Group, Hans Hennig also disposes over optimal possibilities of testing burners for all types of fuels“.
Whether in pulverous, liquid or gaseous form – the most diverse of fuels can be fired under different process conditions on this industrial burner test facility and can be investigated with regard to their ignition, firing and emission characteristics. In doing so, naturally their applicability for heat generation plays a decisive role.
With this industrial burner testing facility the required technology can now be offered in coordination with respective customer requirements. For with the utilisation of residual or waste materials or also pulverous surrogate fuels (HSS/BKS) instead of the usually applied primary energy carriers natural gas and fuel oil, rising energy costs can be reduced. „A fact which not only causes great enthusiasm amongst our customers in Germany but also worldwide, for example in India and Russia“, so Dr. Roberg.
To these numerous firing trials, for example, not only lignite coal dusts of diverse qualities and granularity belong, but also diverse wood sanding dusts from suppliers coming mostly from the process industry. Natural gas, fuel oil EL and bio-fuels such as sunflower seed husks have all been tested successfully.
The first objective targets of the testing Staubflamme bei Vollastfacility were achieved already after conclusion of the public development project in June 2011. Here, the degree of effectiveness and emission-optimized heating systems for industrial applications, the further development of the ignition and combustion behaviour of pulverous fuels of all types was counted. So therefore nothing stands now in the way of further developing CKM, CKE, HG and cross-firing burner systems with the main focus on the expansion of the burner construction series for the most diverse of fuels anymore.
Above all, companies from the fields of the basic materials industry, the process industry and metallurgy with great requirements for thermal energy or for an innovative technology for the disposal of waste and residual materials have shown much interest in the development possibilities of the Körting Group.
On the basis of the testing facility the BTU Cottbus has already had a plant constructed by Körting Hannover AG for the field of oxy-fuel combustion. „We are very pleased with the results and the collaboration“, explained Dipl. Ing. Alexander Findeisen, Project Manager of BTU Cottbus.
The performance of the industrial burner testing facility
- thermal output up to 2 MW
- fuels: Natural gas/Fuel oil/Lignite coal dust/Wood sanding dust/Pulverous residual materials
- lined combustion chamber for process temperatures up to 1,400 °C
- hot gas generator for generating drying gases up to 600 °C
- frequency-controlled carrier air, staged air, combustion air and flue gas recirculation blowers
- fully automated via PLC and FMS/VMS firing manager with 10-channel compound control
- flue gas Venturi scrubber with induced draught blower for low pressure operation