Recuperative burner

Ceramic recuperative burner (left) and metallic recuperative burner (right)
Ceramic recuperative burner (left) and metallic recuperative burner (right)

We are pleased to inform you that we have expanded our product range with particularly efficient and low-NOx recuperative burners.

We have managed to enter into cooperation with the company Econova, a well-known burner manufacturer. The recuperative burners were developed by Dr. Horst Graf von Schweinitz, a recognized specialist with decades of experience in the design and development of industrial burners.

The innovative burners are characterized by energy efficiency and low emissions. Future NOx and CO limits according to TA-Luft are already today far undercut with this system.

Applications can be found, for example in roller hearth furnaces, chamber furnaces, bogie hearth furnaces, rotary hearth furnaces, pit kilns, bell type furnaces, walking beam furnaces, retort furnaces, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact our product specialist, Mr. Peter Vorkorte, who also has many years of experience in the field of recuperative burners and industrial furnace construction.


Mr. Peter Vorkorte
Tel. +49 2102 9506 42

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